Monday 8 May 2017

Public Spaces - Yoga and Wellness Festival - Research

After the feedback, I conducted more research on different symbols which are being used in different designs to promote yoga classes etc. I have looked at a mandala, lotus flower and a figure of a meditating human.  I really like the illustrations of the mandala as it gives the poster a beautiful pattern. So what does Mandala mean and why is it used in designs about Yoga? Mandala is a concentric diagram with spiritual and ritual significance. The word is of Hindu Sanskrit origin and means “essence”, “having” or “containing”. It can also be translated as “circle-circumference” or “completion”. It appears in the Rig Veda but is also used in other Hindu Religions, particularly Buddhism.

Doing a research and looking at already existing posters/ illustrations I have found which gave me an idea what I could possibly design, which is the third design of yoga flyers for yoga studio in mint and white using mandala designs. 

As I am not keen on illustrating people/ human figures I thought it would be good to use illustrations of the mandala and connect it with designed typography with the name of the event, dates etc. 

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