Monday 8 May 2017

Product Range Distribution - Animals For Christmas Presents - Visiting shelters

I have decided to do a quick interview with a couple of shelters/animal rescue regarding the issue 'Animals as Christmas Presents'. I have looked for shelters/animal rescue in Leeds and as I am going to London for a couple of weeks I have looked for shelters in London which I can visit too as there are no many shelters/ animals rescue in Leeds.


* Dog Trust
* Yorkshire Animal Shelter


* The Mayhew Animal Home
* Wood Green, The animals Charity
* Battersea Dogs and Cats Home

Charities/ Companies:



- How many animals are given back to shelters after Christmas/Valentines Day?
- The age of people bringing the animals back to shelters?
- Excuses which are given for returning an animal.
- How many animals is being killed after Christmas/Valentines?
- How many animals is being left on the streets/ in the forests after Christmas/ Valentines?

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