Thursday 11 May 2017

Product Range Distribution - Animals For Christmas Presents - Statistics

Here are some statistics which I have found:

Article about 'Three pets abandoned every hour over Christmas' - RSPCA - Link

'Last Christmas the charity's cruelty advice line received an average of 1,663 calls each day about animals that were being hurt, neglected or abused during the festive season'.

'The animal charity has investigated 329 complaints of abandonment between 23 and 27 December and has dealt with 1,676 complaints since the beginning of December. Branches of the charity have been inundated with cats and dogs, in particular, Staffordshire bull terriers and Staffie crosses'.

Article about 'Animals as a gift': Article Link

'Unwanted gift” was listed as a reason for only 0.3% of dogs and 0.4% of cats entering the shelters surveyed, compared with “No time for pet” as a reason 10% of dogs were relinquished and “allergies in family” as a reason 18% of cats were relinquished'.

'The research questions addressed in the report are based on a subsample of 222 of the 1,006 total respondents. These 222 respondents are those who answered “yes” to the question “Have you received a pet dog or cat as a gift in the past 10 years or so?'.

Table 1. Frequencies of the impact receiving a gift have on self-perceived love or attachment. * Response choices: Refused, Don’t Know and Other are excluded.

Table 2. Frequencies of the impact receiving a gift has on retention in the home. *Response choices: Refused, Don’t Know and Other are excluded.

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