Tuesday 16 May 2017

Product Range Distribution - Animals For Christmas Presents - Charity Logo and Name


As I am creating a charity it is good to have own name and logo to be recognizable. I have come up with a couple of different names for the Charity and asked people to vote for the best one.

'When choosing a name for your pet fundraising event, look for something distinctive and, if possible, humorous. You want humor in your event name because people want to have a good time and socialize with other pet owners'.

- Four Paws  - 5
- Santa Paws - 3
- Paws Walk - 0
- Paw Prints - 1
- Great Tails - 0
- Paw Season - 2
- Furry Family - 2
- The Tails - 0

As people voted for 'Four Paws' and 'Santa Paws' names I have designed logos which are very simple in white and black using the print of the paw and the name of the Charity. It was hard to decide which name I will like to go with. 

- Four Paws - a Simple and short name which will suit the charity as an organization. 
- Santa Paws - It will suit the theme of the charity and it's Christmas concept.  

I have asked a couple of people for a feedback about the names as I wasn't quite sure which one I should go with. The majority of feedback said I should go with 'Four Paws' as the other name 'Santa Paws' makes quite a confusion of what the charity is about. 

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