Tuesday 16 May 2017

Product Range Distribution - Animals For Christmas Presents - Research On Inspiration Video

Going further with this campaign I have decided to create an interactive video which could be played on tv screens or being an advert on youtube. The video can be played before the Christmas season.

During the process of making an advert, I have done some research of existing adverts for inspiration.

'The Worst Gift You Can Give This Christmas'

'I am not just for Christmas'

The above advertisements are very graphical using an emotional approach that presents an issue of giving animals for Christmas presents. Those adverts gave me a lot of inspiration and are representing an approach which I would like to use. Those adverts are using catchy jingles which mean catchy music in the background. As the video is about Christmas season I need to look for Christmas songs. Moreover, as there is no chance I can visit shelters and record some videos there I am limited to Royalty Free Videos. 

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