Thursday 11 May 2017

Product Range Distribution - Animals For Christmas Presents - Survey

I have created a short survey about Animals as a Christmas presents. In total I have received 9 responses.

Have you ever received an animal as a gift for Christmas or Valentines day? 

Yes - 01 -  dog 
No - 08

If 'yes' Is that pet still with you?

Yes - 01
No - 02

Have you ever bought a pet as a Christmas present for someone?

Yes - 0
No - 09

It's Cruel To Give Animals As Surprise Christmas Presents. Do you agree? 

Yes - 09
No - 0

Other comments: 

Pets aren't objects
- Pets are a huge responsibility
- Pets should not be surprises.
- Caring for a dog or cat is a big responsibility
- Surprising a loved one with a puppy or kitten on Christmas morning is a romantic but usually misguided idea.
- A living creature shouldn't be considered the same kind of 'wow' Christmas gift as, say, a new bike or the latest Xbox console.

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