Saturday 19 May 2018

What are you ashamed of? / Final Video

Final Video 

In the video, the participants have been asked to read someone else's submission of what they are ashamed of and comment on it by telling their own story, through their own experiences to create understanding, connection, and empathy. The use of the motion text and background music creates a suitable atmosphere.


- I have just watched it, didn't cry but I can understand why people would, it hits your right in the feels.
- I think it was very well executed, very easy to read, very touchy and quite visually impressive. However, it would probably nice to have visuals either illustrations or images of the people actually saying it because I guess, when you see the expression it makes you feel even sadder.
- This video made me cry. I think the music is on a perfect level and it's very appropriate to the theme.
- Simple but very interesting at the same time. Love the concept.
- It's very depressing.
- I like the ending but I think it could be a bit longer.

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