Saturday 19 May 2018


Our final step was to print our designs. With Bobonut, we decided on printing them as stickers to make it more easy for us to stick it to the tin. We had to options to chose from, we could print out matte or transparent stickers. To see the difference between the two, we printed out our stickers on both types of stickers.

Matte Sticker 

Transparent Sticker 

We have decided to use a matte sticker because the transparent one, might not look as good as we wanted it to be. With the tea inside people will struggle to see the text on the packaging designs, especially on the black tea as the text is back as well.

Also we printed out our logo designs which then was used on the lid of the tin so people will know from which company the tea is coming from. For the lid we only used our symbol design of infinity as the name of the brand is already used in the front of the tin. As our booked print slot was with the new tutors, they didn't know how to use the machine to cut the stickers around. We had to print out our symbol design using a transparent sticker and cut it out by ourselves. It was very difficult as the lines of the symbol are very thin, we had to cut around the whole design. We believe it could look better, but there is nothing we could do about it as they didn't know how to use the printer.

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