Monday 7 May 2018

Animal's Rights / Website Research

As we wanted to create online charity specifying in Animal's issues. We have done a bit of research of how online animals charities looks like. 

The first example is WWF page. 'WWF is the world’s leading independent conservation organization. Our mission is to create a world where people and wildlife can thrive together.' The web page is friendly and colourful, containing lots of features like adoption, donation, a feature where everyone can join them. On the bottom of the page viewers can find options like contacts, terms and conditions etc. There is also used WWF' logo. 

The next one is RSPCA - 'The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is a charity operating in England and Wales that promotes animal welfare'. Layout for the web page is simple, using limited colours. The first thing which shows up while entering the site is a feature of 'Donation', going down the page the viewer can see photographs of animals people can donate for. 

Guide Dogs - 'Introduction to how Guide Dogs makes a difference through mobility, campaigning and research'. Thought Guide Dogs web page people can sponsor dogs. By sponsoring a puppy consumers will receive a gift pack. On the bottom of the page you can find features like contact details and some useful information. 

The last one is PDSA - PDSA provides free veterinary care to the sick and injured pets of people in need and promotes responsible pet ownership. On their webpage viewers can donate,and get involved. Compared to the webpages from the previous charities which I have found this page has lots of different features. Everywhere you move your cursor some new features are showing up. I feel it is quite confusing. 

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