Sunday 22 April 2018

Animal's Rights - Research

With Katie we looked for animal's issues which we can explore during this brief. We used Peta website for our research. source

- Animals used for clothing
- Animals used for entertainment
- Animals used for food 
- Animals used for experimentations
- Animals used for cosmetics testing
- Adopt animals don't buy 
- Animals used as a Christmas/ Valentine's day presents 

As we wanted to use our photography skills within this brief we had to look for issues which will allow us to do it. We thought of the animals which we could take pictures of. 

- Cat 
- Dog
- Rabbit 
- Hamster 

We decided to go with 4 of them: 

- Animals used for clothing - Rabbit
- Animals used for experimentations - Dog
- Animals used for cosmetic testing  - Hamster
- Adopt animals don't buy - Cat

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