Sunday 22 April 2018

Animal's Rights - Research - Brands

                                                Makeup brands that still test on animals 

I have looked for different cosmetics brands which still test on animals. You may have assumed that most major cosmetics companies were on board with alternatives to cruelty to animals, but there are some that still pay to poison and kill. It isn’t always easy to know which brands are completely cruelty-free. For instance, L’Oréal, which doesn’t test on animals in the United States, pays for deadly testing in China, where archaic and painful experiments on animals are required for cosmetics.

These companies DON'T test on animals 

The companies in the graphic below don’t support tests on sensitive, intelligent animals. These are just a few of the thousands of companies in our cruelty-free database. By purchasing products solely from cruelty-free companies, you’ll be helping to end cruel tests on animals, while sending a powerful message to the companies that still test.

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