Tuesday 31 January 2017

Individual Practice - Quorn Brief - Leaflet

Using ideas from already existing leaflets I have come up with four different designs for the front cover of the leaflet. The designs are colourful with engaging displays. My initial idea was to create one main front cover for the leaflet, but while designing it I found that using four different photos and designs would be interesting. The font which I have used is 'Moon Flower Bold' making the design look friendly. The leaflet would be in A5 format binded with staple as it is cheap, very simple, quick easy bind method. 

What's inside the leaflet? 

The leaflet would contain information about why being vegetarian is good and it's advantages. 

On the back of the leaflet, there would be an extra Veggie Food diary containing suggestions for different meals for a week. I have used only the names of the meal and its calories just to make people go on the Quorn web page and promote their meat free meals recipes. 

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