Friday 29 April 2016

Module Evaluation

As this was the last module to be briefed this year I tried to show all my skills which I have picked up and learned this year. I really enjoyed this module and I feel I have developed a lot from OUGD403 in terms of annotating, showing the development and doing experimentations with my work. Before coming to this course it was very difficult for me to show the development of my work and experimentation as well mainly because I was doing the final design straight away. This year helped me to change that. I feel I have started to blog a lot more than I did on the beginning of this course.
Overall I think I have gained a lot of skills during those briefs which I would definitely use it in next year.

I really enjoyed the Secret 7 brief as I could show 'my stale' of working and also throughout most of the briefs for this module I was able to show this through my creative practice. I am really pleased with the outcome of work. I love that I could use my own illustrations for this brief.

Licence to print money was also fun, and allowed me to finally learn how to screen print as I have not done it before. I am not pleased to say that although I did try up to date but it was a bit hard and I did brushed under the rug this brief too much. So on the end I was really behind.  It was quite long process and it took a lot of time, but I have really enjoyed it as it was something new for me.  During the process there was couple of mistakes from which I have learnt a lot. I really like the final design. I will definitely try screen printing in next year.

The collaborative group work wasn't my favourite brief and it was probably my weakest aspect in this module. I know that group work is important but I prefer working on my own as it is easier to please myself with my won decisions than 5 other people. I feel it was to much of us in the group. Overall I am quite pleased with the final outcome of our exhibition branding designs even if we haven't get in to the competition. This brief also gave me a lot experience with working in the group. In the next year I would definitely try to be more confident when it came to group work. As I am really quiet and shy person it wasn't helping me at all.

Speaking from Experience was my favourite brief this module as I really enjoyed. The brief gave me a lot of freedom to create something I am personally proud of. I really like that I could just sit and reflect my experience during this year. I have done this brief quite quick mainly because I had an experience of designing the book and some leaflets from previous briefs this year.

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