Wednesday 22 February 2017

Studio Brief 01 - Papyrus Student Brief

This brief is based on the prevention of young suicide. The purpose is to relieve stress by colouring.
They are publishing a colouring book called "The Art of a Peaceful Mind." An adult colouring book style one which is something that helps you feel calm.

There should be a space for a message about 'what makes you calm.'

The requirements are:
-3 landscape with space for your paragraph
-0.3mm pen - by hand
-3px brush - digitally
-Deadline 27th feb

What does makes me calm? 

- Mountains 
- Stars
- Sky 
- Music 
- Nature/Plants 
- Tea
- Meditation
- Sweets - Food
- Animals
- Patterns
- Drawing

I have created a short survey asking people what does makes them calm. I have gained 15 responses: 

- Playing the piano makes me calm
- Nature/ Ocean
- Silent
- Music
- Meditation
- Playing games I think :)
- Good film
- Yoga
- Food, especially some sweets
- 1 bottle of wine, 2 bottles of wine, 3 bottles of wine :)
- Good company/ friends
- Lying on my bed
- Nap
- Spa
- Hot shower

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