Thursday 18 February 2016

Secret 7 - Final Ideas and Feedback

It was very difficult for me to chose one design as a final one because I think all of them are successful. Each of the design is different to the other ones. I would send them all for the Secret 7 competition.







Today's lesson we had final crit for Secret 7 brief. We have been giving feedback each other in the class. People from my class has preferred different designs.

Feedback comments

I would chose number 3 because it is beautiful, visually engaging, unusual design, in depth inspiration, and ambiguous but very intriguing'. 

' Number 3- colouring is bright yet rocky, it looks like beautiful sound is bleeding from the speakers'. 

 ' Number 3- stinking, beautiful, dramatic, strong contextual relevance. 

' Number 3- poppies are very relevant, the concept is strong'. 

' Number 2 because the design is beautiful and intricate. The use of grey background adds contrast without distracting'. 

For my final one I have chose design nr. 3 (poppies with gramophone) as I think it would be the most appropriate one. The delicate style to the illustration is personal and tells a story. The red colour highlights beautifully the poppies making them jump of the page. According to the Greek mythology there was a garden of poppies at the entrance of his place in the Underworld. Poppies also symbolized death, eternal sleep and oblivion. The hypnotic properties of poppies have long been used to treat insomnia allowing sleep to people who have trouble sleeping. 

I have submitted my work to Secret 7 competition. An email which I get back from them: 

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