First of all I need to come up with the appropriate name for my book. I want to give it a name because I think it would be to simple to call it 'Dream Dictionary' etc. As I have done couple of projects before about the dreams (Secret 7 and Self Branding). It gave me couple ideas how to call my book. In my last project I have researched about the Greek gods names 'Luna', 'Nyx' and 'Morpheus'.
Luna is described as being the goddess of the moon. Her symbols are the crescent moon and the two-yoke chariot (biga). She was often depicted with the crescent of the moon above her forehead. She is often depicted as a pale woman riding in a silver chariot, and was a patroness of charioteers.

Morpheus is described as being Ancient Greek God who is a God of dreams.
Morpheus was one of the primeval gods, descended from Nyx, the dark goddess of night who was the mother of everything mysterious and anything that was inexplicable, such as death, disease, dreams, ghosts, dreams, witchcraft and enchantments. The drug Morphine which, as a side effect can cause hallucinations, was named after Morpheus. Morpheus was the eldest son of Hypnos the God of sleep and the leader of the Oneroi. The brothers were triplets and all gods of dreams. Morpheus and the Oneroi are always depicted with wings that conveyed they were gifted with magic and the power of flight. Each of the Oneiroi had a specific area of responsibility in relation to dreams and dreaming.

Nyx was the goddess of the night, one of the ancient Protogenoi (first-born elemental gods).
In the cosmogony of Hesiod she was born of Air (Khaos), and breeding with Darkness (Erebos) produced Light (Aither) and Day (Hemera), first components of the primeval universe. Alone, she spawned a brood of dark spirits, including the three Fates, Sleep, Death, Strife and Pain.
I think it would be nice to use one of those names as the name for my book, because it would make the name of the book have a deep meaning.
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