Saturday, 16 April 2016

What is a book? Evaluation

Creating my own book was quite challenging but I really enjoyed. It was one of the briefs which I really liked because I could show my interest and do chose the content of my book whilst applying knowledge and skills I have learned in previous sessions. While creating a book I tried to express my own style creatively and I think I have achieved it. Binding a book was a new experience for me, if I could do it again I would try to do better job of the front page because I think it would be looking good if I would print it as a glossy sticker and just stick it to the page. Also while printing double side one of the pages come up blank so I had to glued it on the end. If I would have more time it would be the first thing I would do. I would try to move the pages so the blank page would come up on the end or I could just put a quotation there or do one more letter for dictionary because I haven't done the last letters for alphabet as I thought the book would to much pages. However overall I feel my choices were appropriate for the audience and purpose. Moreover I feel I have achieved what I wanted to do at the beginning. I have really enjoyed it. 

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