An old legend says that when the gods created a man, they began to wonder where to hide all the answers about our life, so that people would not become as much wise and powerful as they are.
- We can hide them on the top of the highest mountain - one of them said.
- No, they will find them very quickly - said the rest of them.
- In that case, we can hide them at the bottom of the ocean.
- They will find them in a short time!
- Therefore, let's bury them deep beneath the ground.
- That's really bad idea, they will find it very quickly - gods said.
After a moment of silence, one of them said:
- We will put all the answers about the life inside them. They will never find them.
And that's how it happened.
And yet gods were wrong in their predictions. Really long time ago humans have began to seek in their own souls, listening to the inner voice, starting to follow their intuition and studying the dreams and their meaning. Since a really long time, humans trying to walk thought a secret path leading to the knowledge of the truth about the world and about ourselves.

In ancient India was a common view that dreams come from the gods and has an important message.
They have divided dreams into three sections:
- Prophetic Dreams.
- Resulting from actual experience.
- Experienced by the influence of deities.
Similar opinion about dreams showed the ancient Egyptians, believed in prophetic dreams. The Egyptians begged god of sleep - Serapis, to give them answers on their questions while they were asleep. This mystical technique to generate dreams, was called the "incubation".
What are Prophetic Dreams:

In a prophetic dream, you see the future through your dream. It is difficult to determine that a dream is prophetic because we can only confirm such a dream after it has taken place. Even then, we only hear of the success stories.
The interesting views on the dreams has Chinese people, who believed that a human has a soul which is directing the functions of the body, and the spirit who has a control of the higher functions. According to the Chinese people, spirit leaves the body during sleep and goes to meet with other ghosts. It is important to ensure the moment when the spirit is returning to the body, because too early awakening can have disastrous consequences for the body. The common practice (as in Egypt) was incubation in special temples.
Polynesians also had faith in dreams. The definition of sleep was for them about wandering soul. Polynesians had ability to heal from illnesses in a dream. The use of dreams for therapeutic purposes were, and still are Hawaiian and Shamans, called Kahunam.
It is worth mentioning the importance of dreams in the culture of American Indians. Dreams has impact on almost all aspects of life. The knowledge about their symbolism and methods of their interpretations were extremely rich.
Symbols are the language of dreams. A symbol can invoke a feeling or an idea and often has a much more profound and deeper meaning than any one word can convey. At the same time, these symbols can leave you confused and wondering what that dream was all about.
Acquiring the ability to interpret your dreams is a powerful tool. In analysing your dreams, you can learn about your deep secrets and hidden feelings. Remember that no one is a better expert at interpreting your dreams than yourself.
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