Tuesday, 24 April 2018

Animal's Rights / Survey

We have started from creating a survey using SurveyMonkey regarding public opinions on fur trade. 
https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/BQHTHW5 In total we have received 9 responses. 

Have you ever bought an item of clothing which was real fur?

Yes - 1
No - 8

- gloves 

Would you ever wear animal fur to fit in with the 'fashion'?

Yes - 1 
No - 8

Do you think it is acceptable for people to be wearing real animal fur?

Yes - 3
No - 5

Other comments: 

- It depends on the persons views 

Would you buy fur if it was retailed at a low price?

Yes - 3
Maybe - 1
No - 5

What are your views on people who wear animal fur?

They're just people with bad decisions
- Unnecessary
- without any feelings and probably rich
- dont mind them
- rich
- Ignorant
- I think it's all round wrong but I don't think people who wear it are bad I don't think they fully understand that they are promoting the killing and skinning of animals
- depends what kind of fur and their attitude towards it
- Disgusting

Given the choice, would you ban all fur clothing?

Yes: 6
No: 3

Do you consider the use of fur as Animal Cruelty?

Yes: 7
No: 2

Every year, millions of animals are killed for the clothing industry—all in the name of fashion. Do you think that killing animals for fashion is morally correct? Explain your thoughts.

No not at all, animals should not have to suffer and lose their lives in order for one jacket in a run way show
No, I've seen videos of animals skinned alive for their fur, it's disgusting and has no real point to it
No at all.. I heard that animals are still alive 5 minutes after being skinned alive. Heartbreaking
it is alright, because human also kill animals for meat
No its not morally correct at all, animals should never be hurt for the benefit of human beings. There are alternatives for fur products which dont need to hurt animals. Its unnecessary.
I do not think it's right to kill an animal for its fur. Most people are only going to wear the fur for maybe 2-3 months of the year when an animal could have lived instead
depens what kind of fur
No. Humans are no better than animals and we should not treat them as "items". They are LIVING creatures :)

Do you support PETA (People for ethical treatment of animals), who are against all types of animal cruelty?

Yes: 7
No: 1
Not heard of them: 1

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