Adopt don't buy - source - Peta
As long as people continue to buy animals from breeders, animals awaiting homes in shelters may never get the chance to go on romps at the park, enjoy overnight cuddle sessions, or know the security of their own home.
If you or someone in your life is ready for the responsibility of welcoming an animal into the family, choose the ethical way and adopt from a shelter. Buying animals from a breeder guarantees one thing: Animals in shelters lose a chance at finding their forever homes.
Thousands of animals are being dumped and killed year-on-year, yet still, we buy. Why? People bought a puppy or kitten because they want to ‘train them from scratch’ or somehow mould their personalities. The irony is that rescue centers are overwhelmed with puppies and kittens, especially after Christmas and often with ‘designer breeds’. People buy a cute little thing thinking it’s all going to be sunshine and roses and then realize that an untrained, young animal is actually a lot of hard work. Another irony is that a slightly older animal, who is already house-trained, might have been a more suitable companion from the get-go. Furthermore, too many people fail to get their animals spayed or neutered, so abandoned pups and cats are free to impregnate or get pregnant. Pregnant cats are especially common as females are fertile at a young age. Many of them end up in shelters with bulging bellies and their kittens are born into rescue. If you want a puppy or a kitten you will find plenty if you choose to adopt. Source
10 Reasons to Adopt, don't Shop!
You save a life
This is maybe the biggest reason of all! By adopting, you’re giving an animal another chance at life. Some have terrible pasts, and have been abused, abandoned or left to fend for themselves on the streets. You are giving an animal a happy and safe home where they can learn and feel safe.
You won't be supporting backyard breeders
Many dogs or cats are forced to breed as often as possible, and kept under cruel conditions in farms. By choosing to adopt, you are avoiding these organisations and supporting animal welfare in the process.
You help stop pet overpopulation
By choosing to adopt rather than go to a shop or breeder for a specific type of pet, you are caring for an animal that already needs support instead of bringing another puppy or kitten into the world.
You might find your dream pet
With thousands of shelters, there’s bound to be one near you that might currently be home to an animal that is perfect for you and your family. After spending time at the shelter, you may fall in love with a completely different animal to the one you thought you wanted.
You gain the advantages of an adult animals
Many dogs or cats in shelters are adolescent or adult dogs/cats rather than young puppies or kittens. But this means they’re likely to already know some basic commands or be housetrained, making your life a lot easier when you bring your animal home!
You get the lifetime support of shelter employes
No one knows more about the animal you are adopting than the people working at the shelter each day providing care and support for them. They will be able to assist you with the move and help you carry on any training or behavior work!
You support a valuable community and charitable institution
It’s always good to show support and help out a local organization, and these shelters are providing a valuable service to animals in their care so by adopting one, you’re also helping provide for the ones left at the shelter!
You adopt a healthy pet
By adopting from a shelter, you can be assured that your pet has had excellent medical treatment, received any necessary vaccinations and may have even already been sterilized or microchipped, meaning it’s a perfectly healthy pet.
You encourage others to do the same
People are sometimes wary of new ventures, but it only takes one of their friends to adopt a shelter pet and they’ll be assured it can go smoothly!
You’ll be rewarded with so much love and gratitude
Many animals up for adoption just want to find a loving home and their forever family, and are more than willing to show you bundles of love if you take the time to get to know them properly! Knowing you’ve saved an animal from an unhappy background brings eternal gratitude from your new loyal companion.

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