Thursday, 11 May 2017

Product Range Distribution - Animals for Christmas Presents - Slogans - Posters

After receiving a range of feedback I have decided to create a campaign which will try to persuade people to do not buy animals as a Christmas presents in a friendly and educational approach. I have come up with a couple of slogans and ideas of different approaches.

The first idea is to take photographs of the animal sitting next to the toy, showing the difference between real rabbit and toy. I feel this approach is quite smart as it is friendly and catchy using simple words. I have taken inspiration from the polish posters which I have found on google. I have come up with a couple of slogans:

- Can you see a difference?
- Sweet/adorable/cute -  Alive.
- Animals are living beings not toys.

Three posters in Polish from which I took the inspiration from:

Adorable - Alive 
Animals are not toys - Don't buy them as a present. 

Children are getting bored with toys very quickly.
Animals are not toys - Don't buy them as a present.

Can you see a difference? 
Animals are not toys - Don't buy them as a present.

The next idea is to take photographs of the animals in the shelter, but this idea will depend on if the shelters will agree and let me do that. I have also found a couple of posters which inspired me for this approach. Also, I have come up with a couple of slogans:

- Please don't give me for Christmas.
- Just another unwanted present.
- I am for life not just for Christmas.

The third idea is to take photographs of the animals wrapped in Christmas decorations. The inspiration has been taken from the photographs below.

- I am for life not just for Christmas.
- I am a 10 + year commitment.
- I am not a toy! Don't buy me as a present this Christmas!


- I really like the second idea of taking pictures in the animal shelter, and I think it would be very effective. 
- I think you should go with the second one, but as you said it depends on shelters, if not I would go with the first one using catchy, short slogan to make people remember it. 
- Go with the second one if it is possible. 
- I feel the last one would be too happy for this theme. 
- The first one and second one. 

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