Thursday, 18 May 2017

Module Self Evaluation

Design Practice 2 was a highly full speed, demanding module, allowing me to create something I am very proud of and I know I have been working on it very hard. This module was slightly difficult for me when it came to time management because of the break during Easter and having lots of submissions straight after the break so I left this brief till the end and it was very bad decision.

Brief 01 allowed me to work on my screen printing techniques and develop my skills as screen printing it's not something I am doing very often, mainly because of the long production time. It seems very quick and easy process to others but as I am a begginer of using printing method it took me more time to learn of how how to use it, but definitly I would like to do it again in the feature.

The second brief of this module gave me a lot of freedom of chosing a topic of the issue I am interested in. I have chosen Animals For Christmas presents as my topic mainly because I really enoyed the previous briefs this year which allowed me to work with animals and it's rights. Durring the process of design I become quite confused of what I am creating and if it is relevant to the issue. I started from designing a campaign but then I realized I can develop this idea by creating an online Charity. In terms of feedback, I feel like I have spoke to a lot of people mainly adults because I needed opinions on the issue or designs to make it successful. This taught me that it is important to to do surveys and gaining some opinion from public as it helps on developing the work and make it more effective.

I manage to learn about new softwate and develop my skills during this module. It was my second time this year of using Final Cut Pro to create an intereactive video and I really enoyed it as I knew some basics but during creating my video I could develop them and learn new ones. I'd like to delve deeper into for future briefs, and become a lot more confident using it.

Overall I feel my overall confidence and competence as a designer has blossomed over the course of this module, and I feel proud of the resolutions I had created for each brief, althought I would still make some changes to it.

There was a lot of creative freedom involved with this module wich in effect will prepare me for the challenges I will face in third year. I am very pleased with the work I have produced and I really enjoyed this module.

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