Tuesday, 20 February 2018

Anti-hunting Campaign - Clay experimentation

During this session, we aimed to learn new techniques and decide what type of clay we will use to produce our sculpture. We tried stoneware clay, earthenware clay, and porcelain.



At first, we have been told by tutors to really decide what we want to create out of porcelain as the clay dry out very quickly and we really need to know what we are doing.The porcelain was very soft at the beginning so it was very difficult to model something and make it stay in the same position.
Also, we had to model our sculpture as quick as possible because modeling it way too much made it dry quicker.

Stoneware clay


Stoneware clay was the easiest clay to use as it didn't dry out very quickly so we could model our sculpture as much as we wanted to. If the clay dries out, adding extra water makes it soft so we could still shape it and glue extra things to it. We decided to use this type of clay for our final sculpture.

Earthenware clay

Same as stoneware the earthenware clay was very easy to use, it didn't dry out very quickly so we could shape it as much as we wanted to. The only problem why didn't choose this clay was because of the paint colors later on, they were way too dark.

- Unfortunately, there wasn't enough air inside the form when it was in the kiln and it sadly exploded. 

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