Yesterday we met up in the photography studio to take the second photo shoot and record an advert which Katie would edit now. The aim of the photo shoot was to take photos similar to the first ones. We had a bit of troubles with the rabbit as he was quite stressed about new place and new people so it took as a lot of time to calm him down and make him get used to new place. For our luck we had two models so I could take two different set of pictures. Over all I feel the photo shoot was quite successful. I have only took the pictures with the model looking 'naked' and holding the rabbit as the pictures with a model wearing the fur in the same colour as rabbit is were less successful in public opinion. I have edited the most successful photos:
1st shoot:
2nd shoot:
This photo shoot came up quite different to the previous ones as our rabbit was quite tired so he was falling asleep in our model's arms.
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