Wednesday, 15 March 2017

Studio Brief 02 - Fur for animals - Final Evaluation

Submission Evidence 


In conclusion, I believe we worked very well as a collaborative group, each of us has complete their tasks successfully using our own individual strengths to improve our work and push it to high limits. As a group, we started a research on current 'Fur For Animals' posters to get a bit of understanding and feel for what they are looking for. The original posters found on google images were very brutal and bloody symbolising murder and a couple of them seemed like the campaign is trying to blame people who are buying real fur for murder innocent animals only in the name of fashion. We have also found a campaign done by David Bailey 'Dumb Animals' the advert was about models walking down on catwalk wearing fur coats and when they turn back blood splashes the audience.
As a group we didn't want to go in the direction of scary and brutal approach as we thought that this style of work would be overused, our tutor John suggested us to try to go with a different approach. He gave us an interesting example of the approach which makes people feel scared/ terrified sometimes doesn't work successfully. The example was about the new design for cigarette's packaging which are using only simple dark colours with disgusting and scary photographs on what smoking can do to people who consume it. Despite this gruesome photographs and used colours people are still smoking cigarettes. Based on this example our tutor suggested us to try a different approach which might have more power than this one.
We have also created a range of different surveys. The public opinion was very helpful as it helped to push forward our idea and work and to be more successful as well. Also thought the surveys we gain lots of different opinions and ideas from a different audience.
After surveys and feedback from tutors, we decided as a group the best way of delivering this kind of message would be best thought a cute/innocent and mostly emotional concept. By targeting the emotional side we believe is the most appropriate and effective one. Also, something which people would like to share on social media and feel some emotions towards it. So after choosing our concept, we started from creating a list of different ways through which we can communicate this message.
The brief, deliverable were to create an interactive online inter-user face, which would change people's minds who are wearing real fur. We created a list of outcomes we would like to produce:
- Effective slogan
- Posters
- Interactive advert which would last for 30 seconds
- Social media platforms pages: Facebook, Youtube advert, Twitter, Instagram and Snapchat Stories. 
As a group, we produced some really good and successful images of models with the real rabbit. We were quite limited as we only had a rabbit with which we could take photos with. We tried to contact with different farms regarding photo shoot with animals but for our bad luck, it wasn't possible. So we decided to take a range of different posters with the rabbit to give an example of how the campaign should look like and allowing it to be pushed further with different animals in the future.
This brief allowed me to show my photography skills gained through A-level and Foundation course to take successful photographs which capture our concept of cute/innocent and emotional approach with the help of my team members.
When it came to recording our interactive video we had a bit of technical and physical problems. As we were working with the real animal to produce our work. It was challenging to get some scenes done very quickly, we had to record each scene and take photographs which contained a rabbit couple of times just in case when it came to the editing we had a range of scenes and photographs to choose from. To take successful photographs and scenes we had to make sure the rabbit would not be scared also we didn't want the rabbit to hurt the model by scratching them. Also, we had to be very careful as we didn't want the rabbit to be harmed in any way and the equipment around him in the studio. During the filming, we had many trials and errors that we had to challenge yet resolves between ourselves. Especially the video as our storyboard told about the model being outside in the city, due to the real rabbit we could not record it outside as the rabbit might run away. So we decided to project the streets with the projector in the photography studio. This allowed the rabbit to be in the safe place. Once our all scenes have been recorded we started from putting them together creating a basic idea of the final outcome which we showed to our tutor. He said that some of the scenes were necessary and quite similar showing the same thing. Also, he asked us to get rid of the scene with rose petals which supposed to represent a blood in a gentle/friendly way but the teacher said that the scene will not make any sense to someone who doesn't know the idea of it and what kind of message we want to communicate through it. In the end, we were finally able to produce a final video after some cropping and editing as the advert was too long as well.
Our campaign has been called 'Furry Friends or Furry Trends?' We were struggling a bit with the slogan as on the beginning the slogans which we came up with were miss communicated the poster message and some of them did not make any sense at all. After a couple of surveys and tutor's advises we finally came up with the final slogan and title. We made the slogan quite shorter than the title which is 'Friend or Trend?' to make it more catchy and make people remember it.
Moreover, on the end after completing our poster designs and video we created an example of how our work could be distributed through social medias. For this idea, we produced a range of different mock-ups as we thought it was a better and easier way to present it.
Overall I really enjoyed this brief and working with my team as it was an interesting experience. I believe we produced some really good work and worked very well together.

Studio Brief 02 - Distribution

As our campaign is online we had prepared some mock-ups to show how our designs and advert could be distributed in real life. As Bobonut took the lead for the social media she has prepared the screen shots of how it would look like. As a group we choose Facebook, Snapchat Story, Instagram, Youtube, Twitter.

Studio Brief 02 - Fur for animals - Advert

Final Video of the advert 'Trends or Friends'

During the day of shooting the 'Furry trends or furry friends' advert for the 'Fur for Animals Brief'. As a group we decided to go with our idea of using the projector in the Photography studio to create the surrounding environment. We did this as we thought of filming the advert in actual outside environment the rabbit would escape or runaway. 

By putting the rabbit in the studio we had more control of were the rabbit will go, in addition with a quiet environment the rabbit will be more calm. There were only slight hazards like the rabbit excreting or urinating within the studio and biting the wires. 

Luckily, we had a plan to keep these things under control. I brought his case with a toilet area so he would do his business in there. We also had some wipes and paper towels to clean any other mess which was around the studio. We kept all doors securely shut as we did not want the rabbit to escape the studio. Each member of the team took turns keeping an eye on the rabbit. In addition, I have also brought some salad for the rabbit to eat when we needed him to keep still for certain shots/scenes.

To commence with the advert, we decide we would follow the storyboard we previously made as a good guide line to make each scene. 

The first scene consisted on mostly the model, pretending to be walking down the street night of London with her 100% real fur coat. The scene then transitions to the model, uploading an picture on Instagram of showing off her we fur coat. Then she is imaging that she is being surrounding by a paparazzi as she believes this makes her popular and in her element to shine. 

Whilst this is happening, the wind blows towards her she grabs the poster (poster that we have created). And has a good look at what it says. When she takes the poster away, the rabbit on the poster becomes to life and is right in front of her. 

She picks up the rabbit and feels a connection with the animal. She then turns around, as discovers where she has walked is a trial of rose petals (representing blood) of how having this piece of clothing kills innocent animals. By this she is sympathising with the rabbit, whilst she is doing this - the wind picks up again and the fur coat she has on blows away. With this happening the street of London disappears and a new projection of fairy lights switches. This is transporting the rabbit and the model to a more magical yet calming atmosphere - here they create a friendship and happiness. She then imitates the same position of the poster and thats were the advert ends. 

For these scenes, we did multiple takes so we could chose the best one. In addition some scenes where more difficult to film as the rabbit would not coordinate well with what we wanted him to do. He was also quite scared and frightened with the new environment, so we waited for a while to get use to the new environment he was in. 

Once these scenes where done, Katie went to see which scene were the best to put in our advert. When this was done, She sent Bobonut the files and she put them together. She finished putting them together, and sent me and Katie it. We gave her little bits to alter and adjust. Once we were happy with it, we decide to show it to some of the tutors and asked for their opinion on the video. One tutor said that there were unnecessary scene which repeated themselves and some we could get rid off. For example, the rose petals were not obvious enough to deliver the message of it being a replacement of blood. In addition, the video was too long it was a minute and a few seconds long. The tutors advised us that we should make the advert at least 30 seconds long.

So once we got feedback, we yet again changed. Editing the duration of the film and cutting clips which were not needed for the advert. 

In the end we finally created the final video of the 'Furry Trends or Furry Friends' 30 second advert. We added the appropriate music and effects to the video to make this advert more appealing with the message we are trying to deliver. 

Below is the link to the final video: 

Behind the scene: 

Studio Brief 02 - Fur for animals - Final posters

Final Posters

Using photographs and slogan I have created final posters for our anti fur campaign. I have chose 2 photos per each model to have a range of different designs.

Studio Brief 02 - Fur for animals - 2nd photo shoot

Yesterday we met up in the photography studio to take the second photo shoot and record an advert which Katie would edit now. The aim of the photo shoot was to take photos similar to the first ones. We had a bit of troubles with the rabbit as he was quite stressed about new place and new people so it took as a lot of time to calm him down and make him get used to new place. For our luck we had two models so I could take two different set of pictures. Over all I feel the photo shoot was quite successful. I have only took the pictures with the model looking 'naked' and holding the rabbit as the pictures with a model wearing the fur in the same colour as rabbit is were less successful in public opinion. I have edited the most successful photos:

1st shoot: 

2nd shoot: 

This photo shoot came up quite different to the previous ones as our rabbit was quite tired so he was falling asleep in our model's arms. 

Sunday, 5 March 2017

Studio Brief 02 - Fur for animals - Interim crit

Interim crit

We have got some feedback about the picture with model wearing fur is good as well because the model looks passionate. The coat that we used for taking those pictures are faux, so we could write something like it is faux but still look as good as yours to communicate that faux fur looks as good as real ones, we can encourage people to buy faux one not real fur.

For the picture with the naked model, it is a bit confusing because we got the model and the rabbit in the same picture the audience will not notice that the slogan in on the posters are the words for the rabbit, they might think it is from the model. So we could maybe try to remove the model or do something to clarify that is the rabbit's speech. We could also try with different animals like tigers and we can put the same slogan like they are speaking for themselves. we need a campaign that can work on different context.

Also we have to underline our concept and come up with range of slogans and even the two that we have selected to apply on the posters are still too wordy, it will be better if we could have some copywriter to help a bit with the slogans .

Our friendly and humorous and emotional approach is appropriate, also it could be something that like Bambi and make the audience cry and emotional.

We have got some feedback about the part that the poster fly into the model's face is a bit obvious, but the last part that with the different poster but the same model is very nice idea.

After the interim crit we have decided to come up with different slogans, much more shorter ones. We decided to go with 'Furry friends or furry trends?' and  'Friend or Trend' as  those both are short and catchy.

Due to new slogan I have created new posters with new poster to once again do a vote and chose our final slogan. As the new photo shoot is very soon we have to chose a new slogan. We decided to go with 'Friend or Trend' as is short and catchy. 

Studio Brief 02 - Fur for animals - Video - Story Board

Annotations done by Bobonut 

For the video advert, we want to make something that the people will share on social media according to the brief. All the backgrounds of our video will be projected because we have to consider the rabbit might be frightened or escape in the shoot. 

Seene 1 : The model walking down the street in a big city with a fur coat
Scene 2 : We bring up the camera and scan her body form the bottom to the top to show her whole outfit and the fur coat.
Scene 3 : A close up on the phone screen to show that she is think she is popular on the internet and putting hashtag like fabulous, fancy, posh, fashionable, fashion queen........
Scene 4 : She imagines she is so popular that even got fans or paparazzi taking pictures of her
Scene 5 : Wind rise and a poster fly into her face and she take it down.
Scene 6 : She read the poster 
Scene 7 : She remove the poster from her sight and she saw the rabbit from the poster in front of her. 
Scene 8 : A close up to the rabbit's cute face.
Scene 9 : The model try to hold the rabbit up.
Scene 10 : The model get eye contact with the rabbit and think the rabbit is thinking something.
Scene 11 : The model turn her head around and look back
Scene 12 : She saw the way that she came through is covered with rose petals
Scene 13 : The model understand her fur coat causes life, so another breeze and the fur coat flies away. 
Scene 14 : The rabbit start to cuddle with the model and lick her face and they became friends.
Scene 15 : There is a same poster that the model saw before but she became the model in the poster. 
Scene 16 : With the slogan at the end.

We decided to use rose petal in scene 12 because we are working on a friendly approach and we don't really want to use any blood to indicate that fur trades causes life, and rose petals is a really gentle way to represent blood. 

Studio brief 02 - Fur for animals - Initial ideas for posters

We are quite confused about the slogan because in the survey people have voted for two different ones. The most favourite ones were 'Why use my skin when yours is already beautiful enough?' and the second one 'Everyone has got thier own purpose mine isn't to be on your back'. We have dissuaded that I should create the posters first with both slogans so then we can create a questionnaire and ask people which is the most interesting approach.

I have started to experiment with the type/colours and layout for the posters also with the photos. For the first set of pictures I have used Bebas Neue font in 34 pt highlighting only word 'MY' in the first photos and 'purpose' in the second set of photos to make them stand out more from rest of the text.

Moreover I decided to start with very simple approach using only text with the logo of the Fur for animals campaign. The word 'MY' and 'PURPOSE' is in the same colour as their existing symbol. Also I get the inspiration for the layout of the text and colour from Barbara Kruger. I didn't used a lot of red colour as she is doing because we are going with the friendly and emotional approach.

1st concept:
'Why use my skin when yours is already beautiful enough?' 

As a group we agreed that the model is looking to happy on this one and it doesn't really suit the slogan and idea behind it. So I have decided to look for more photos with less happy emotions. 
Here is what I have found: 

2nd concept: 

 'Everyone has got their own purpose mine isn't to be on your back'

Here is the second set of pictures whit different approach from the first one. I have created them in the same style as the first approach only changing the slogan. 

The second idea was to create posters inspired by Stella Maccartney.  I wanted to create something friendly and emotional by using this type of nature, flowers in pastel colours.  It was also the first idea to use the poster containing lots of nature like plants to show the connection with the video which supposed to be about the mother nature. 

I have also tested it with the slogan and logo of the campaign. 



We spoke with one of the teachers about our posters and slogan. 

- I prefer the second photo from the first concept as the model on the first photo looks to happy for the slogan. 
- I think the second concept with the model wearing the fur coat and holding the rabbit is weak and the slogan is to aggressive. 
- I think you should go with the first concept as the approach and the slogan is friendly. 

I have also made a survey online which we posted on collaboration page on Facebook so we could get more feedback from people even from different courses. In total we received 19 responses and 12 feedback comments


1st concept: 11 votes                               2nd concept: 8 votes

- The eye contact makes the second approach more personal.
- I feel that both posters convey a strong message but one that may appeal to most is the first as it is aimed towards the consumers feelings and emotions about themselves whereas the second is more to do with the animal's so some may not be as affected by it. Depends which way you want to portray a message.
- Awesome idea!
- The image is more powerful on the second, definitely great to show that the fur on the coat is exactly the same as the fur on the rabbit. Great idea!
- it's not always clear who the text is coming from / who the text is aimed at, however the photographs work well.
- I would change "everyone" to "everything"!
- The first statement made more of an impact to me.
Nice idea but maybe rethink what the writing says... both need something shorter and more catchy.
I prefer the first slogan but the eye contact in the second is more demanding of attention.
better aesthetic in my opinion. The fact you have the 'before and after' works really well in pulling reality back.
When the model is wearing the fur it feels a bit hypocritical in a way? Also the expression on the first one is much more calming and caring which I think represents the message well :)
I think the first statement is more effective than the second, but I feel like you should combine the statement from the first poster with the image from the second poster

Studio Brief 02 - Fur for animals First concept for the video

First Concept Idea for the Video/Photoshoot

During another group discussion, we were deciding on what concept to approach the audience. By taking note of the inspiration videos and aspects on how they were filmed, we decided to go for a concept as a Glamorous women in a big coat walking down the streets in London and then comes across a poster with a rabbit. Then the rabbit pops out of the poster into the women hand. She then see the horrors the rabbit would have gone through for people to purchase their fur. She griefs and then transforms to mother nature, a protector of nature and animals. It will then end with the slogan and a message. 

Feedback from Tutors and Peers based on the Concept

  • Majority of the feedback, said the concept is good. But it might be better if she did't fully transform to mother nature appearance. As the message would be never to buy any type of fur and always become this kind of hippy stereotype figure. Even though people should dress the way they want to be. It is not good to restrict them to a certain amount. 
  • Next feedback we got given is that mother nature concept could be added onto the video like the model could have a bit of a flower on her head or even some calm pastel colours to depict how she has changed her opinion on fur. She could even have a small fake fur would be good around her at the end. 
  • Majority said adding a small bit of fake fur onto the video would be good. like a scarf or bag? 
  • Don't exaggerate the makeup so much, at the beginning of the video. In the end she should look as equally glamorous put maybe in different style. 
  • Many said that it wouldn't be a good idea to film with a rabbit in an outdoor environment, there are dangers of it escaping. Maybe get some fake outdoors props? 
  • Maybe add some graphical images into it? As the concept is too light hearted and not so serious. The audience may just disregard it as they would do. I think using more graphical images might provoke them better. 
  • Or maybe use something which can represent blood, like strips of red silk? 
After all the feedback we received, we still wanted to do an emotional approach to the video and photoshoot. Their will be some elements that we will keep and some that will be slightly altered. Overall, most of the feedback was generally positive which as a group are happy about. 

Studio brief 02 - Fur for animals - Preparing the second photo shoot.

For our luck we get the permission to bring the rabbit into the photography studio at school it gave us a lot of facilitation to use professional photography studio, get access to professional lights and equipment. I will also work with new model as we need more new photographs, this will allow us to have more photos to chose from, for the final ones. During the survey people chose two different slogans as their favourite one. It gave us a bit of trouble as the slogans suits 2 different approaches of the photos. We have decided to to take similar photos so in the end we can create the survey again asking the public which set of posters has more impact on them.

The first set of pictures would be similar to the first one as the model will be wearing the faux fur in the same colour as the rabbit's fur. I will try to make the photos which will make people feel some emotions towards it. I have done a bit of research on how the model should look like and what poses I can ask her to do with the animal.

Image result for photo of the women in fur holding animal Image result for fur for animals campaign

Image result for fur for animals campaign Related image

Image result for fur for animals campaign

The second second set of pictures will be of the model looking half naked and holding the rabbit. I have searched for similar photos to get an idea how the model should look like and what kind of poses I can ask her to do.